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AI and Machine Learning


During this short programme, we are going to introduce AI and Machine Learning and their applications to the young generation of talents. AI and ML, are the most disruptive technology of the future, since they can dramatically increase the operational performance of different businesses, as well as they explore new areas and will change our society and business models. Therefore, knowing how they work and what they are is a must for the next generation of experts.

Course Objective

Over the course of these lectures, participants will gain an understanding of what AI and Machine Learning actually are and the basic principles behind them. From these fundamentals, they will then be provided with an overview of the current AI/ML trends, and their applications in modern businesses.

Course Outline

• Introduction to AI
• AI principles
• Overview of fuzzy logic
• Machine learning
• Machine learning case studies and applications
• Project presentations

About the Trainer


Dr Amirhassan Monajemi is a Senior Lecturer in AI and Machine Learning with the School of Computing (SoC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Prior to SoC, he was a Senior Lecturer in NUS School of Continuing and Lifelong Education (SCALE) teaching AI and Data Science to adult learners. Before joining NUS, he was with the Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan, Iran, where he was serving as a professor of AI, Machine Learning, and Data Science. He was born in Isfahan, Iran. He studied towards BSc and MSc in Computer Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), and Shiraz University respectively. 

He got his PhD in computer engineering, pattern recognition and image processing, from the University of Bristol, Bristol, England, in 2005. His research interests include AI, Machine Learning, Machine Vision, IoT, Data Science, and their applications. He has taught the artificial intelligence courses, including AI, Advanced AI, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems, Neural Networks, and Cognitive Science since 2005 at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He was awarded the best university teacher of the province in 2012. He also has studied Learning Management Systems, E-Learning, and E-Learning for workplaces since 2007. Dr Monajemi has registered a few patents in the fields of AI, Machine Vision, and Signal Processing applications, including an AI and machine vision-based driver drowsiness detection system and a low power consuming spherical robot. He also has published more than a hundred research papers in peer-reviewed, indexed journals and international conferences (IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, and so on), and supervised several Data Science, IoT, and AI industrial projects in various scales, including Isfahan intelligent traffic system delivery and testing, and red light runners detection. He is experienced in different sub-domains of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, from theory to practice, including Deep Learning, Logic, and Optimisation.

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